My cakes are featured in the August/September edition of Your Sussex Wedding magazine, looking at Seasonal Wedding Cakes - pages 63-66.
Read the lovely article about me and my bespoke cakes in August edition of the Wealden Times magazine - on page 85
I am very proud to be the preferred supplier for wedding and celebration cakes at The Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells.
Back when my celebration cakes were just a part-time passion, I was asked to be a guest on the Food and Drink talk radio show on Ridge Radio with Faye Edwardes
Back when cakes were a part-time passion and my main job was as an IT Manager for a global publishing company, I was featured in the Waitrose Weekend magazine. The article called 'My weekend' looked at the two very different passions in my life at the time - as you can see the cakes won over and I gave up my IT career to make my cakes full-time! A good choice!